Bible in a Year Invitation

Happy almost fall!

As school begins, Labor Day approaches, and daylight continues to get shorter, we can feel that time is short.... Time. Is. Short... Other things may also be happening that make YOU feel like time is short. But I want to encourage you to consider a way you could make the most of that time, and contribute to your own spiritual health and depth, and to the spiritual health and depth of your community... Read the bible.

I bring this up, because while at a quadrennial training (happens every 4 years) on "healthy boundaries" this past week, I learned that our enormously devoted and disciplined bishop of the Dakotas Annual Conference, Lanette Plambeck, begins her yearly reading of the bible on September 1st every year.

Now, full transparency: I have made a point to read the bible through several times, but honestly it's been a while since I made it a goal...And in the name of healthy boundaries, I think it's a good one for me to make again and I want to invite you along for your own benefit AND as an accountability partner. :-)

Focused time in scripture changes us, no matter how we do it... Reading the entire bible gives a perspective we don't get by just reading the passages related to our devotional that day. I would love for everyone to have or renew that big umbrella of understanding we get from reading the entirety of scripture. Will you please consider joining me on this journey?

I hear what you're thinking: "But Pastor Michele, do you know how much TIME that will take?"

I recognize it's a time commitment. I'm planning to do this too, right? And I've not magically acquired any additional time in my day. But healthy boundaries are about establishing healthy practices for body, mind and spirit, and reducing the things that are NOT life-giving. How much Netflix (or whatever) do we really need?

We all need healthy boundaries.

I suggest setting an alarm, or just plan a time and place to read in the morning or evening, and try and be consistent.

Now, admittedly, some scripture passages can be redundant or confusing. To help with that, I'm suggesting a guide for all of us that can amplify our understanding of the reading assignments by also providing some other resources.

The Bible in a Year plan (<< Online Link) from The Bible Project does just that.

The Bible Project name may be familiar to some of you. It's been referred to it in sermons on occasion. I first learned about it from Pastor Doug Diehl several years ago, and we have both used its animated videos and handouts in classes we have taught here during the past four years.

I invite you to explore through the Bible in a Year plan link shared above, and/or download the printable PDF of the plan here. You'll see that on many days, the assigned scripture reading will also have a linked animated video or article with related information. I think these elements will help keep us engaged and help clarify things.

If you decide to come along on this journey, let me know. I will want to connect with other readers through occasional blog posts if I know there are others on the journey with me! Or if anyone wants to do a guest blog post, let me know that, too!

If you would like a printout of the guide for the readings, you can contact the office and Eli can print a copy for you.

Now, this is not a contest. Finishing in a year doesn't have to be the goal. Just finishing even if it takes two years (or more), is a wonderful gift to yourself and shows your desire to grow in your understanding of God and God's love... So if you get "behind" don't give up. Just adjust your plan and keep going. Keep reading. Keep learning.

Time may be short, but showing our commitment to God by establishing healthy boundaries to help us grow spiritually only makes our time here richer. I hope you will accept my invitation for us to all do it together.

Thankful to be in ministry with you all,
~ Pastor Michele

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