SO good

All right... So, knowing we will have people on this journey of reading the Bible in a Year who come with varying levels of 1) excitement, and/or 2) understanding, when it comes to technology... Let me try to clarify some things about the optional additional resources from The Bible Project. This may be a little dry, but I'm trying to be helpful to the tech-challenged folks I love, and encourage them (maybe you) it is worth it to try out some of the fancy stuff.

You have the option to JUST READ, absolutely... The point of this is for us all to dig into our bible. And then on days you feel like you HAVE time and desire to do more, do more...

But to help you understand HOW you can do more... You can either sign up for the Reading Plan and download the Bible app that was linked in the previous blog post, OR you can manage the same information through a printed PDF of the Reading Plan or an electronic version of it (that was also linked before).

If you have a printed PDF (7 pages stapled together) in your hand of the The Bible Project's Reading Plan, you will see starting on page 2, on each line with that day's reading assignment, within the three right hand columns of the grid, it also shares names of videos, book guides and articles related to that day's reading. You can find all these if you use your computer or smartdevice to go to and click on the magnifying glass in the upper right of the screen. Type in the name of what you're looking for (listed in the printed guide) in the window that opens and it should take you right to it.

Alternatively (and much easier), if you click on the link below (electronic version) of the PDF and navigate to page 2 of the document, you will see there are live hyperlinks on the text for each of those named resources.

Electronic PDF: The Bible Project - Bible in a Year Reading Plan

If you don't believe messing with the links is worth it, today in this post, I am sharing direct links to the resources just to give you a sample so you can see how really wonderful they are... I will not do this every week, but I WILL answer your questions if you like these resources and need more assistance in accessing them yourself. :-)

Day 1 - READING ASSIGNMENT: Genesis Chapter 1-3, Psalm 1

Day 1 - Genesis 1 - Video

Day 1 - Guide to Genesis

Day 1 - Article: Creation Through the Lens of Ancient Cosmology

Day 2 - READING ASSIGNMENT: Genesis Chapter 4-7, Psalm 2

Day 2 - Torah Series: Genesis 1-11 - Video

Day 2 - Guide to Book of Psalms

Day 2 - Article: Were Adam and Eve Priests in Eden?

Day 3 - READING ASSIGNMENT: Genesis Chapter 8-11, Psalm 3

Day 3 - OT Overviews: Genesis 1-11 - Video

Day 3 - Article: What Are Sin, Iniquity, and Transgression in the Bible? 

If you are using the app (I am, but I'm still reading in my paper bible and checking things off on the printout of the reading plan... I think cuz I'm Gen X), you will also note that if you get behind a day or more, you can click on "catch me up!" and it will update your schedule so you don't have that hanging over your head anymore... It doesn't change your reading, just resets the clock so you will finish later, and that is A-OK!

So far, so good? I hope so...

Anyway, I hope you are 1) READING and 2) trying SOME of these new tools to help expand your understanding, even if you aren't looking at all of them... I know I am enjoying it a lot, and I hope you are too! Email me or call the office at 605-343-1813 if you have questions.

For those of you reading this far, I invite you to comment what you have learned or enjoyed so far!

Keep going! You can do it! I think we can, I think we can, I think we can!

So happy to be on this scripture journey with you all!
~ Pastor Michele

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